Bethel United Methodist Church
Saturday, February 08, 2025


From Simpsonville: From the clock tower in downtown Simpsonville, use N.E. Main Street in the direction of Greenville. Travel 1.4 miles to the intersection of Highway 14 and N.E. Main Street. There you will be turning right on to Highway 14 between two gas stations. One is a Sunoco and the other is an Amoco. Travel another 9/10 of mile and turn left on Holland Road. You will pass City Church on your right, and Bethel is the next church on your right. You will also pass Life Sprint Community Church on your left just before arriving at Bethel.

From Mauldin: You have two choices from Mauldin. Use Highway 417 in the direction of Simpsonville. Turn left on to Bethel Road. Travel until you cross the I-385 bridge. Turn right on Holland. Church is on the left. You can also turn left off Highway 417 on to Balcome at Golden Park amusement park. Travel 9/10 and Balcome ends at Bethel Church.

From Greer: Take Highway 14 toward Simpsonville. Cross Woodruff Road. Graceland East Cemetery will be on your left. Travel 1.7 miles through the traffic light at Highway 296/Five Forks Road. At the next traffic light, turn right on to Bethel Road. Travel 1.5 miles and turn left on Holland. The church is on the left.

From Greenville: Take I-385 toward Columbia. Exit off at Bridges Road. Go back across the interstate. Go to the first traffic light and turn right on to Holland. Travel 9/10 of a mile and Bethel will be on the left.